Price Match Policy

Our Price Match Guarantee

If you come across a lower price for the same item at a local or online retail competitor (including shipping and delivery fees), just send us screenshot, and we’ll match their price. Our price match policy doesn’t apply to certain brands, discontinued, clearance, refurbished, used or damaged items. Limited to reasonable quantities. Can’t be combined with other discounts.


How do I request a price match?

If you want to request a price match, please contact one of our sales associates by phone, email, or chat. Just let us know the item and the price you want to match. We'll double-check the details before completing the price match for you.
📞 1-800-381-7977
 Email Us

Key Features of Our Low-Price Guarantee: 

1. Comprehensive Price Match:

We undertake to match the price of any identical product available for purchase from another authorized retailer.

2. Instant Savings:

Once the price match is confirmed, we will adjust the price for your purchase accordingly, ensuring that you benefit from the lower price.

3. Customer-Centric Approach:

Our Low-Price Guarantee is a testament to our dedication to providing not only superior wine coolers but also an exceptional shopping experience for our valued customers.

4. Shop with Confidence:

Trust in our Low-Price Guarantee to make informed buying decisions while enjoying the peace of mind that you are receiving the most competitive pricing in the market.

Outdoor Kitchen Empire believes that products we sell are both impeccable and affordable. Our Price Match exemplifies this commitment, offering you the assurance that you're making a smart investment in your collection. Shop professionally and confidently with our Price Match today!